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  • Joe

Crypto – Business is hard, crypto businesses are harder.

Business is hard, crypto businesses are harder. Crypto businesses have all the demands and challenges of legacy businesses, with the added pressures of an uncertain regulatory environment, difficulty in working with the traditional centralized partners and volatility in price and market sentiment. JE&Co has been through these challenges and can help to reduce burdens and guide you through this new financial frontier.

How Can We Help?

While our approach is largely the same, we operate as your finance function and all that entails, there are certainly some unique solutions aimed at some unique challenges in the crypto industry:

Volatility – Crypto is inherently volatile and new businesses in the sector should expect to experience some of this. Our experience helps us, help you navigate this volatility, ensuring you can meet the inherent peaks and valley’s to be able to maximize growth during the up cycles, and survive the down cycles.

Compliance – Navigating the regulatory minefield that is the crypto industry is like walking on unstable ground. How you traverse this will be a big indicator of your overall success in the space, in the medium to long term. We keep a finger on the pulse of where we are now, and where we are going from a regulatory perspective to allow you to focus on your core business, not the ever evolving legal landscape.

Pitch Decks and Business Plans – The crypto space is one of the largest venture markets today, and is expected to continue to grow rapidly into the future. Let us help get you ready for that big investor meeting, preparing professional financials, business plans and pitch decks. We’ve been there in the trenches, know what it’s about, and are ready to help you make it happen.

Finding the right expertise in the crypto space is hard. Let us be your trusted partner in this exciting new space. We’ve been in crypto business, since discovering Bitcoin in 2016. We have created successful startups that have led to Venture funding. Drop us a line and let’s have a chat.

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